from __future__ import division, absolute_import
import numpy as np
from scipy.sparse import csr_matrix
from compmech.panel import Panel
from compmech.panel.assembly import PanelAssembly
from compmech.sparse import make_symmetric
from compmech.analysis import lb, static
from compmech.analysis import Analysis
[docs]def create_cylinder_blade_stiffened(height, r, stack, stack_blades,
width_blades, plyt, laminaprop, npanels, m=8, n=8):
r"""Cylinder Assembly
The panel assembly looks like::
_______ _______ _______ _______
| | | | |
| | | | |
| | | | |
| p04 | p03 | p02 | p01 |
| | | | |
| | | | |
Blade Blade Blade Blade
04 03 02 01
_ _ _ _
| | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | |
|_| |_| |_| |_|
y <-------
where edges ``A`` and ``B`` are connected to produce the cyclic effect.
height : float
Cylinder height (along `x`).
r : float
Cylinder radius.
stack : array-like
Stacking sequence for the cylinder.
stack_blades : list of array-like
The stacking sequence for each blade (with length = npanels).
width_blades : array-like
The width for each blade (with length = npanels).
plyt : float
Ply thickness (assumed unique for the whole structure).
laminaprop : list or tuple
Orthotropic lamina properties: `E_1, E_2, \nu_{12}, G_{12}, G_{13}, G_{23}`.
npanels : int
The number of panels the cylinder perimiter.
m, n : int, optional
Number of approximation terms for each panel.
assy, conns : tuple
A tuple containing the assembly and the default connectivity
list of dictionaries.
if npanels < 2:
raise ValueError('At least two panels are needed')
if len(stack_blades) != npanels:
raise ValueError('stack_blades must have length = npanels')
if len(width_blades) != npanels:
raise ValueError('width_blades must have length = npanels')
skin = []
blades = []
perimiter = 2*np.pi*r
b_skin = perimiter / npanels
for i in range(npanels):
y0 = i*b_skin
panel = Panel(group='skin', x0=0, y0=y0, a=height, b=b_skin,
r=r, m=m, n=n, plyt=plyt, stack=stack, laminaprop=laminaprop,
u1tx=0, u1rx=1, u2tx=0, u2rx=1,
v1tx=0, v1rx=1, v2tx=0, v2rx=1,
w1tx=0, w1rx=1, w2tx=0, w2rx=1,
u1ty=1, u1ry=1, u2ty=1, u2ry=1,
v1ty=1, v1ry=1, v2ty=1, v2ry=1,
w1ty=1, w1ry=1, w2ty=1, w2ry=1)
for i, panel in enumerate(skin):
y0 = i*b_skin
blade_name = 'blade_%02d' % i
blade = Panel(group=blade_name, x0=0, y0=y0, a=height,
b=width_blades[i], m=m, n=n, plyt=plyt,
stack=stack_blades[i], laminaprop=laminaprop,
u1tx=0, u1rx=1, u2tx=0, u2rx=1,
v1tx=0, v1rx=1, v2tx=0, v2rx=1,
w1tx=0, w1rx=1, w2tx=0, w2rx=1,
u1ty=1, u1ry=1, u2ty=1, u2ry=1,
v1ty=1, v1ry=1, v2ty=1, v2ry=1,
w1ty=1, w1ry=1, w2ty=1, w2ry=1)
conns = []
skin_loop = skin + [skin[0]]
for i in range(len(skin)):
if i != len(skin) - 1:
p01 = skin_loop[i]
p02 = skin_loop[i+1]
conns.append(dict(p1=p01, p2=p02, func='SSycte', ycte1=p01.b, ycte2=0))
p01 = skin_loop[i+1]
p02 = skin_loop[i]
conns.append(dict(p1=p01, p2=p02, func='SSycte', ycte1=0, ycte2=p02.b))
for panel, blade in zip(skin, blades):
conns.append(dict(p1=panel, p2=blade, func='BFycte', ycte1=0, ycte2=0))
assy = PanelAssembly(skin + blades)
return assy, conns
[docs]def cylinder_blade_stiffened_compression_lb_Nxx_cte(height, r, stack, stack_blades,
width_blades, plyt, laminaprop,
npanels, Nxxs_skin, Nxxs_blade, m=8, n=8, num_eigvalues=20):
"""Linear buckling analysis with a constant Nxx for each panel
See :func:`.create_cylinder_blade_stiffened` for most parameters.
Nxxs_skin : list
A Nxx for each skin panel.
Nxxs_blade : list
A Nxx for each blade stiffener.
num_eigvalues : int
Number of eigenvalues to be extracted.
assy, eigvals, eigvecs : tuple
Assembly, eigenvalues and eigenvectors.
The following example is one of the test cases:
.. literalinclude:: ../../../../../compmech/panel/assembly/tests/
:pyobject: test_cylinder_blade_stiffened_compression_lb_Nxx_cte
assy, conns = create_cylinder_blade_stiffened(height=height, r=r,
stack=stack, stack_blades=stack_blades, width_blades=width_blades,
plyt=plyt, laminaprop=laminaprop, npanels=npanels, m=m, n=n)
if len(Nxxs_skin) != npanels:
raise ValueError('The length of "Nxxs_skin" must be the same as "npanels"')
if len(Nxxs_blade) != npanels:
raise ValueError('The length of "Nxxs_blade" must be the same as "npanels"')
i_skin = -1
i_blade = -1
for p in assy.panels:
if 'skin' in
i_skin += 1
p.Nxx = Nxxs_skin[i_skin]
elif 'blade' in
i_blade += 1
p.Nxx = Nxxs_blade[i_blade]
k0 = assy.calc_k0(conns, silent=True)
kG = assy.calc_kG0(silent=True)
eigvals, eigvecs = lb(k0, kG, tol=0, sparse_solver=True, silent=True,
num_eigvalues=num_eigvalues, num_eigvalues_print=5)
return assy, eigvals, eigvecs
[docs]def cylinder_blade_stiffened_compression_lb_Nxx_from_static(height, r, stack,
stack_blades, width_blades, plyt, laminaprop, npanels, Nxxs_skin,
Nxxs_blade, m=8, n=8,
"""Linear buckling analysis with a Nxx calculated using static analysis
See :func:`.create_cylinder_blade_stiffened` for most parameters.
Nxxs_skin : list
A Nxx for each skin panel.
Nxxs_blade : list
A Nxx for each blade stiffener.
num_eigvalues : int
Number of eigenvalues to be extracted.
assy, c, eigvals, eigvecs : tuple
Assembly, static results, eigenvalues and eigenvectors.
The following example is one of the test cases:
.. literalinclude:: ../../../../../compmech/panel/assembly/tests/
:pyobject: test_cylinder_blade_stiffened_compression_lb_Nxx_from_static
assy, conns = create_cylinder_blade_stiffened(height=height, r=r,
stack=stack, stack_blades=stack_blades, width_blades=width_blades,
plyt=plyt, laminaprop=laminaprop, npanels=npanels, m=m, n=n)
if len(Nxxs_skin) != npanels:
raise ValueError('The length of "Nxxs_skin" must be the same as "npanels"')
if len(Nxxs_blade) != npanels:
raise ValueError('The length of "Nxxs_blade" must be the same as "npanels"')
i_skin = -1
i_blade = -1
for p in assy.panels:
p.u2tx = 1
if 'skin' in
i_skin += 1
p.Nxx = Nxxs_skin[i_skin]
elif 'blade' in
i_blade += 1
p.Nxx = Nxxs_blade[i_blade]
#TODO improve application of distributed loads
for p in assy.panels:
Nforces = 1000
fx = p.Nxx*p.b/(Nforces-1.)
for i in range(Nforces):
y = i*p.b/(Nforces-1.)
if i == 0 or i == (Nforces-1):
fx_applied = fx/2.
fx_applied = fx
p.add_force(p.a, y, fx_applied, 0, 0)
fext = assy.calc_fext(silent=True)
k0 = assy.calc_k0(conns, silent=True)
incs, cs = static(k0, fext, silent=True)
c = cs[0]
kG = assy.calc_kG0(c=c, silent=True)
eigvals = eigvecs = None
eigvals, eigvecs = lb(k0, kG, tol=0, sparse_solver=True, silent=True,
num_eigvalues=num_eigvalues, num_eigvalues_print=5)
return assy, c, eigvals, eigvecs